Welcome to Your Journey Of You!!
This is Felicia Nagamatsu. My husband Brian and I are two HIGHLY Sensitive People, with completely different HSP Gifts. These are like Hyper-Sensory Super Powers!
Brian’s HSP Gifts – super hearing, smell, taste, vibration, and Getting the Job Done.
Felicia’s HSP Gifts- super emotions, details, connections, Bring a Visionary and a Bridge.

We tell Our Story
How Felicia learned to Surf the Tsunami – the wild storms, highs & lows of HSP emotions.
How Brian used his HSP gifts as noise & vibration expert, traveling the world, inventing things.
How we BOTH came to love HSP as a Gift and not the Curse we thought it was. And best of all, that our differences are our biggest strength! Learn how we became a Powerful Team!!

We Did it – and You Can, too
To reach our goals, we chose to do hard things. I Felicia, took on “Impossible” challenges-
Overcoming mental illness, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, depression, memory loss, reversing physical conditions like scoliosis, osteoporosis, vision misalignment, prolapse, HSV, and chemical imbalances.
We share the principles we learned – inviting YOU to apply these same principles to challenges you choose to face.

WE CALL to Highly Sensitive People Everywhere
Let us stand free and unashamed in the Truth of who we are.
We belong here. Let us bless the World with Our Gifts!
Together, we will Surf the Tsunami and ride the Storms.
We can be Different and Still Be Together.
Because we don’t have to be the Same to BE ONE.

I invite you to HELP ME create this blog with Your comments.
Please TELL ME which topics you want to learn & laugh about first, and I’ll put that at the top of the list.

And always know, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Many of you are my friends and family. I write to you personally.
Love and light,


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