Air Jet Shovel Blowing Snow to 1812 Overture

I just had an inspiration that it would be fun blowing snow with my Air Jet Shovel to the 1812 Overture.  Felicia and I are co-inventors of the Air Jet Shovel.  The Air Jet Shovel attaches to a leaf blower and it is so much fun watching powder snow blow away with the winds.  Air Jet pulverizes the snow and there is no need to pick up and toss snow.  The Air Jet does the work.  Enjoy watching this fun video!  Brian

Day 22 of 90 FIRST VIDEO POST !

Day 22 of 90  FIRST VIDEO POST!

Holy smokes! Is THAT what I look like? Scary. And I felt so pretty inside! But Today’s Project is to Banish Perfectionism… So here goes…


ABOUT ME   Hi! I’m Felicia Nagamatsu, and this is Your Journey of You.  My road from Awful to JOY has been quite a trip! But I have Overcome and YOU can too. I will tell you my story, and we will have a good time. Life is really pretty funny.

I’m just beginning… taking off the Scarf of Silence to tell about my funny, scary, angry, poignant journey to JOY. It will take time to cover everything, but I’ll share how I overcame mental illness, including anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, depression, marriage, motherhood and 50 years of dieting. I’ll share HOW I overcame physical health problems – vision problems, HSV virus, pelvic prolapse, medication-induced memory loss, and am now reversing scoliosis and osteoporosis. I am completely free from ALL medications, after 25 years on anti-depressants.

I almost called it How an Italian girl from New York married a Japanese boy from California and lived… We’ve seen a lot together, survived culture shock, a mail order bead business, cub scouts, and becoming members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Of my 65 years on this planet, I spent 37 years suffering and the last 28 years learning to heal. On the way, I learned a lot of tips and shortcuts. What took 28 years for me, you can do in months.

The plan is to craft a DIY guide to a life free from suffering. Yes, Pain comes to everyone, but Suffering – that is optional. Don’t do it. I’ll show you how to trade in your suffering for JOY. Like trading in your beatup old car. Or your cell phone. YOU are eligible for an Upgrade!

APOLOGY – My current project is to Banish Perfectionism. Trying to be Perfect causes paralysis. I know! To break my pattern, I am blasting ahead without knowing what I am doing. You will find lots of bloopers. Laugh with me. Rejoice & know I’m breaking free. Because I have a Big Goal. I want to get this to you quickly… because people are suffering and NO ONE needs to suffer. Your Journey of You can be a delight.

I invite you to HELP ME create this blog with Your comments.
Please TELL ME which topics you want to learn & laugh about first, and I’ll put that at the top of the list.

And always know, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Many of you are my friends and family. I write to you personally.
Love and light,


JOURNEY OF YOU… World Debut in Sundance Utah!

Gladiators at Sundance Oct 2016
Gladiators at Sundance Oct 2016

EXCITING NEWS! I was invited to be one of the presenters at the next Limitless Health Intensive event! (Nov 4&5). I will present my message Your Journey of You = J O Y.
Here’s how it happened…
Our first Gladiator Retreat was in Sundance, Utah. The mountains are spectacular, the cabin reminded me of the B&B where Herbert & Annie Nagamatsu had their wedding reception. Amazing weekend.
And for me, it was the FIRST time I presented my story,                 JOURNEY OF YOU = J-O-Y in public. I acted out my journey with costumes and props, and words and even sang a song… “That’s a Fine Kind of Freedom.” My dear friends, the Gladiators, held a safe and loving space, as I acted out my road to Joy by putting on and taking off layers of clothing representing emotions and beliefs. As I had hoped, it was powerful… since it is not just MY journey of joy, but because it is YOUR journey too… It is everyone’s journey through life. No shortcuts. We all walk through sorrow, pain & love to get to joy and freedom.
Well, I’m late for choir practice so I better go. Will post pictures later. Love you all SO much!
Oh yes! The Limitless Health Intensive is a two-day event. Friday & Sat, Nov 4 & 5 in Provo Utah, at Provo Marriott. I can get you $30 tickets (admits you & guest). Regular price $499. Powerful presenters share how you can get Un-stuck in your health – body & mind. I am proof it is never too late! If you want $30 tickets, PM or text me. Or CALL 801-691-0375 and give them my name. Hope you can come! If not, send me your love and support! I will feel it.

I Am a Limitless Gladiator


I began this epic journey on 7/29/16, to improve my health.
BEFORE Gladiators: At 64, I was healthy “for my age.” Translation: I was living with osteoporosis, severe spinal curvature, pelvic prolapse, and joking about old age. I lived in fear of breaking another bone, injuring my body and “making things worse.” I gave up running, jumping, dancing, lifting. I was “making the best of it” until old age overpowered me.

WHY: To get my life back. To do that, I had to change my MIND and beliefs. What I believe is possible. Who I Am. What stops me.
WHAT I DISCOVERED: This journey is BIGGER than health. It’s about being ME. And coming out of hiding. I stopped trying to Match Everybody Else, and started to be the Real Me.
Woo hoo! I haven’t felt this free and open since freshman week at Boston U with Linda F Katz!
BUT THIS TIME, I’m not scared, seeking to “figure out the Rules” to “play the game” and MAKE IT… I already made it! Not trying to control everything so I can survive… Hey, look! I survived!

I got serious. I made goals. I enlisted a Dream Team of medical experts and I am at the center, making the choices and doing the work of physical therapy and healing through dance. But the heart of it is Limitless Belief Breakthrough – facing every fear and doubt I can flush out of hiding. Increasing my Faith in my God who IS the Healer. He taught me that the Journey of You brings J-O-Y.

WHAT HAPPENED SO FAR? In 10 weeks, I already reached my goal of reversing pelvic prolapse symptoms, and moved the angle of my hips 8 degrees, to LEVEL. My spinal curvature angle has improved 20 degrees! I am ON MY WAY with flexibility of motion and increasing muscles. I NEED muscles to dance pirouette turns in ballet, a new love! Brian converted half our living/dining room into a dance floor! And we rediscovered our love of ballroom dancing, which is how we met, 40 years ago.

Best of all – I took down my invisible wall, and have a whole new relationship with people! Especially with Herbert Nagamatsu and Annie Marie Nagamatsu. You see, they never met the Real Me before! That person has been in hiding since I was about 2 years old. And bonus… I remembered I’m ITALIAN and I LOVE it! I’m LOUD! I’m FUNNY! I talk with my hands! It’s Time to PARTY!

SO – since my original 6 month goals have been met and exceeded in 10 weeks. It’s time to invent NEW Goals! Here are my NEXT 90 day goals.
1. Spread J-O-Y… Start teaching the Journey of YOU to anyone who will listen. Minimum 5 people.
2. Master technology of social media and spread J-O-Y with a blog, website or whatever it takes. Post 5 YouTube videos of J-O-Y principles.
3. BANISH 2,000 fears and/or beliefs that have stopped me in the past.
4. DANCE pirouette turns in ballet, & pivot turns with Brian.
5. Plan FUN RV TRIP with Brian to Harmony, PA, Hopewell Indian Mounds, & Amazing Places TBD.
6. Invent a SUPER HERO identity and humble alter ego complete with costumes!
7. EAT FOOD I LOVE! Healthy AND delicious! With spices & aromas of Good Stuff like Mom used to make. Without guilt or shame, and being totally healthy.

Who would I have to BE to make this happen? Well, only the Real ME could do all that in 90 days.