Let It Go!

Day 26 of 90 Gathering some stuff to donate to charity, I bagged up used clothing and household items that we don’t need anymore. I started thinking… It’s the same with limiting beliefs. There are a BUNCH of old limiting beliefs that I don’t need anymore. I’ve had them for years. They are all worn out. These beliefs don’t fit me anymore. Beliefs like “I’m not good enough… That’s too big for me. I can’t do it… It’s all their fault.” And my personal bugaboo, “I better shut up. If I say it, I might hurt someone’s FEELINGS!”

Well, it’s time for me to let those beliefs go, like worn out old clothes. Time to put on some new beliefs. “Yes, I can do hard things. I can speak up. I can be really ME, and stop hiding.”

Funny, I found that people LIKE me, when I actually show up and be me. It moves me to tears, sometimes. When I take a chance, and let people inside my wall, I found there is so much love, it takes my breath away. I walk into church, look at a Facebook post, or turn on Skype and see YOU – the people I love so much. Thank you for sharing the Journey of life with me.

Hey, what if we all rummaged around in our closets, found some old beliefs we don’t need anymore. We could bag them up and take them away. You know the ones. We could get some shiny new beliefs. Like “We are ALL different, and that’s FUN!” and “I love you!” Those are two of my favorites. 🙂 What are YOUR favorites?

Joy Principle: I remove old limiting beliefs from my mind, Let it Go, and WALK AWAY. I embrace new beliefs that work much better. Words of life, hope & love. Words that lift and heal. I choose JOY, every day. And it is so.

Day 25 of 90 Veterans, Love & Joy


THANK You Veterans! Today we remember those who have served in the military. Heartfelt love and thanks for defending the cause of freedom. Veterans fought for our right to BE a nation. You defend our right to vote and our right to disagree. I honor you. I am proud of you. I want us to BE a PEOPLE worthy of your sacrifice.

There are those who WANT us to fight and hurt each other. THEY are my enemy. Not you against me. Yes, there are two sides. Love or hate. Build or destroy.

Those who hate, want US to hate. To hurt each other. They organize fights and get the media to show the blood and anger and fear. NO, I do not give permission for their hate and fear to enter my heart.

Even when you disagree, I love you. Even when you are different. I love you. Even if you kill me, I love you. Because I AM love. That is who I Am. Who are You?

Our solutions will always come from love and respect. From people who work to find common ground and a path forward. And teachers like my cousins Tamara and Karla, who teach compassion and mindfulness to the rising generation. Who teach that we CAN be different, feel anger and strong emotion, and go within to find peace. That when we love ourselves, we can find answers.

Let us come together. Let us LISTEN to each other’s voices. Let us put our energy and ideas together, and create something new. Because WE are the people. Because today and Every day, WE cast our vote for love or hate.

Joy Principle – Today, I choose Joy and love all people – those like me, and those different from me. I feel their love in return. Today, by my choice, I find Joy in my journey.

Day 22 of 90 FIRST VIDEO POST !

Day 22 of 90  FIRST VIDEO POST!

Holy smokes! Is THAT what I look like? Scary. And I felt so pretty inside! But Today’s Project is to Banish Perfectionism… So here goes…


ABOUT ME   Hi! I’m Felicia Nagamatsu, and this is Your Journey of You.  My road from Awful to JOY has been quite a trip! But I have Overcome and YOU can too. I will tell you my story, and we will have a good time. Life is really pretty funny.

I’m just beginning… taking off the Scarf of Silence to tell about my funny, scary, angry, poignant journey to JOY. It will take time to cover everything, but I’ll share how I overcame mental illness, including anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, depression, marriage, motherhood and 50 years of dieting. I’ll share HOW I overcame physical health problems – vision problems, HSV virus, pelvic prolapse, medication-induced memory loss, and am now reversing scoliosis and osteoporosis. I am completely free from ALL medications, after 25 years on anti-depressants.

I almost called it How an Italian girl from New York married a Japanese boy from California and lived… We’ve seen a lot together, survived culture shock, a mail order bead business, cub scouts, and becoming members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Of my 65 years on this planet, I spent 37 years suffering and the last 28 years learning to heal. On the way, I learned a lot of tips and shortcuts. What took 28 years for me, you can do in months.

The plan is to craft a DIY guide to a life free from suffering. Yes, Pain comes to everyone, but Suffering – that is optional. Don’t do it. I’ll show you how to trade in your suffering for JOY. Like trading in your beatup old car. Or your cell phone. YOU are eligible for an Upgrade!

APOLOGY – My current project is to Banish Perfectionism. Trying to be Perfect causes paralysis. I know! To break my pattern, I am blasting ahead without knowing what I am doing. You will find lots of bloopers. Laugh with me. Rejoice & know I’m breaking free. Because I have a Big Goal. I want to get this to you quickly… because people are suffering and NO ONE needs to suffer. Your Journey of You can be a delight.

I invite you to HELP ME create this blog with Your comments.
Please TELL ME which topics you want to learn & laugh about first, and I’ll put that at the top of the list.

And always know, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Many of you are my friends and family. I write to you personally.
Love and light,
