SuperHero Identities

Remember? One of my 90-day goals was to invent a SuperHero identity, complete with costume. Well, I did that, and got a big surprise. I found TWO SuperHeros – Past and Future. Here’s what happened…

First, I invented my SuperHero VOLTA – the Voice of Light & Truth for All. For weeks I pondered her costume. I knew she would have a sword & shield. And armor. Oh boy! Christmas gifts! Thank you, Herbert, Annie & Brian!

It was time for the video…
Problem… dressed in the Knight costume, I was speechless. That person had no voice. I waved the sword around, as if jousting… but no words came out.

I removed the knight outfit, and changed into bright clothing. Without the armor, brightly dressed, I was free to speak freely, as VOLTA, my SuperHero.

Disappointed, I put the Knight costume on again. I listened, and another SuperHero emerged. The Warrior, from my past. Only after VOLTA had spoken, did The Warrior come forward to tell her story. I felt it rise from deep within. Brian captured on video, unrehearsed, the first words she uttered.

From the PAST – The Warrior – Victorious survivor, crusader, renegade knight, fighter of dragons and demons, battling her way from darkness into light. Always battling, pushing forward, SMASHING every barrier, breaking bones along the way…

Completely covered and protected from attack – the Warrior – wearing the VictimHood, the Cloak of Invisibility, and chain-mail body armor. Safe. Hidden. But what a cost! No way for friends or loved ones to get close. NO ONE knew her. She had no voice. Until VOLTA was created – the Voice of Light & Truth for All.

What a contrast!

From the Future – VOLTA! reaching back to our day, calling me forward. Brightly dressed, vulnerable, daring greatly, with courage equal to the Warrior. Boldly calling out “Here I Am… I stand in the light!” Free from heavy armor, quick and agile, Volta steps lightly in peace, yet is ever vigilant. With the same Sword of the Spirit and same Shield of Faith she wards off fiery incoming darts.

Volta is a Guide, a beacon of Hope, a powerful stand for Freedom. She IS Love. Guardian of the Path – she makes it safe. She invites us to Be Real. Take a Chance. Love fully. Laugh and cry, and let it all go.

Past or Future? We choose in each moment.
But Wait! What would it be like to choose NOW?
Hmmm. I think I will invent THAT SuperHero next!

I’ve been thinking…
What fun it would be to play dress up like little kids.
With you and our friends, and a whole trunk full of costumes! What would you wear?

Until we meet again,
I am sending you a HUGE burst of love to light up Your Journey of You.
Can you feel it?


Post 017 Dec 28, 2016

Watch & Share!

Dear One – Please Watch and share… There is a WAY OUT of depression, anxiety, grief & despair. In this poignant, funny Limitless video, I act out how I went to rock bottom and learned HOW to come back. Removing layers of shame, silence, fears, false beliefs is possible, and Your Journey of You is uniquely your own road to joy.
Sunday, I learned that a friend’s son had committed suicide. Yes, another one. But now I know – and I will NEVER be silent until the whole world knows…

Suicide is an act of despair based on LIES we believe about ourselves. Depression is a life of needless suffering.
I will call out to my friends from the blogosphere. As quickly as possible, I will teach what I am learning on Local friends, please invite me to speak with your group of youth or adults. For those of you who live far away, I will post videos ASAP on HOW to remove those layers. I invite you all to submit questions or topics of high priority to you.

The Scarf of Silence must come off!
Because Silence Kills. Silence is our Enemy. Silence is the jailer that locks us inside our prison of shame and pain. To end the pain and suffering, we MUST end the Silence.

Please share with those at risk. We all know people that live in shadows… in fear of divorce, illness or terrible stress, thinking “I can’t do it anymore!” Please let them know. THERE IS A WAY to change. It can start in a moment. For it is not our life, but our BELIEFS about ourselves, that causes suffering. Too often, that suffering ends in pain and death.

People need to know.
It takes a Village to save lives from shame. It takes LOVE that never quits, never gives up, believes in each other… that says, No matter what happened, I will ALWAYS love you. The YOU underneath all the layers of shame, silence and fear. Come out of hiding! You are safe in my love.

I learned skills at Limitless that I did not have before. And I will use them. But Light, Truth & skills belong to all people, worldwide, in every language and nation.
Today, you know enough to begin where you are, and lift where you stand. You ARE enough.

The way out of depression and despair is to end the SILENCE… Together.
I pledge my life to sharing this message… Let us END this epidemic of lies and pain. Even though you walk through deep darkness, fear not! You have a bright future. And guess what? The depth of your grief and sorrow? That’s how much joy you can receive.

I earned the right to share this message. I have crawled for years through the valley of depression and suicide, on my hands and knees. I know the countryside. And with all my heart, I promise, Your Journey of You = your JOY.
2 December 2016 Post #14

Dark Closets

Our minds have dark closets, with scary, sad moments locked inside. We can huddle outside the door, afraid to open up. We can tell ourselves we “can’t go there” because we are Afraid of the Dark, and the pain, and the monsters lurking inside. We can find people that agree with us. “Oh NO! We can’t go THERE! It is too dark!”

But here is Good News! When we OPEN the door to a dark closet, we can just TURN ON the LIGHT! Darkness is banished where light is shining. Try it and see. Light always wins. We don’t FIGHT darkness. We just turn on light. Pretty simple stuff.

The same is true of panic, depression & mental illness. It is exhausting to FIGHT depression. It is much easier to let in a little light. Then more and more light.
Yes, we can choose struggle, and believe “I’m not READY to see what is inside.” But why suffer?

Because when the light comes on, we see clearly – NO Monsters! Just a bunch of stuff. Beliefs. Stories we tell ourselves. Some good, some not.

WE CHOOSE. Sort it out.
KEEP the good stuff – good memories, useful beliefs, helpful thoughts.
TOSS out the worn out stuff, ragged, too small… Old limiting beliefs we wore when we were three years old, or picked up as a teenager. If it doesn’t fit, isn’t useful, or isn’t true, Let it Go!
Look for the old scary/sad stories we used to tell ourselves. That we were too little. And all alone. That no one cared. That nothing can change… We all have MANY old stories.

Today, with the light ON, we can look at our stories and CHOOSE.
KEEP the Truth – how strong we are, how much we have learned, that we are deeply loved, and our future is so bright.

And let’s bag up the worn out beliefs, and get rid of them. They have no place in our minds anymore.

Joy Principle: This is MY mind. I shine Light in all my dark places, and choose my thoughts. I keep only true, loving, useful thoughts that bring me peace & Joy.

Post #13 Nov 28, 2016

Walking to Freedom

Post #10     At the Limitless event in Provo Utah, we spent 3 days learning how our minds have great power. With our beliefs, WE DEFINE what we can and cannot do. Don’t like what we have? We can choose new beliefs that help us grow.

On Day 2, we were invited to walk barefoot on broken glass.  In that dramatic moment, when I declared “I Am Limitless!”  I vowed to do WHATEVER it takes to be really me, break every chain, replace every limiting belief, and create a future of freedom. The catch is, Freedom does not come automatically. Freedom is a choice.

Why choose freedom? Because this is MY Life. I am the one who places limits on what I can do or be. Only I can remove them. It is not the job of government. No president, no employer can give me freedom. No law can be passed . No police can enforce it. No court judge can set me free from the slavery of my own beliefs. Only I can say I Am Limitless. Only I can believe it. And I must do my own work to make it so. It happens moment by moment, day by day.

That’s the good news. And the bad news. Each person chooses for himself. All over the world, throughout human history, it has always been so. I have no time to complain about politics, winners and losers, fair or unfair. I have work to do. I Am Limitless.

Joy Principle: Only I can choose for myself. I choose to be my greatest self. I choose to love and accept myself and others as we really are. With that, I choose Joy.

Love, Felicia
Post #10
November 23, 2016

Let It Go!

Day 26 of 90 Gathering some stuff to donate to charity, I bagged up used clothing and household items that we don’t need anymore. I started thinking… It’s the same with limiting beliefs. There are a BUNCH of old limiting beliefs that I don’t need anymore. I’ve had them for years. They are all worn out. These beliefs don’t fit me anymore. Beliefs like “I’m not good enough… That’s too big for me. I can’t do it… It’s all their fault.” And my personal bugaboo, “I better shut up. If I say it, I might hurt someone’s FEELINGS!”

Well, it’s time for me to let those beliefs go, like worn out old clothes. Time to put on some new beliefs. “Yes, I can do hard things. I can speak up. I can be really ME, and stop hiding.”

Funny, I found that people LIKE me, when I actually show up and be me. It moves me to tears, sometimes. When I take a chance, and let people inside my wall, I found there is so much love, it takes my breath away. I walk into church, look at a Facebook post, or turn on Skype and see YOU – the people I love so much. Thank you for sharing the Journey of life with me.

Hey, what if we all rummaged around in our closets, found some old beliefs we don’t need anymore. We could bag them up and take them away. You know the ones. We could get some shiny new beliefs. Like “We are ALL different, and that’s FUN!” and “I love you!” Those are two of my favorites. 🙂 What are YOUR favorites?

Joy Principle: I remove old limiting beliefs from my mind, Let it Go, and WALK AWAY. I embrace new beliefs that work much better. Words of life, hope & love. Words that lift and heal. I choose JOY, every day. And it is so.

Day 25 of 90 Veterans, Love & Joy


THANK You Veterans! Today we remember those who have served in the military. Heartfelt love and thanks for defending the cause of freedom. Veterans fought for our right to BE a nation. You defend our right to vote and our right to disagree. I honor you. I am proud of you. I want us to BE a PEOPLE worthy of your sacrifice.

There are those who WANT us to fight and hurt each other. THEY are my enemy. Not you against me. Yes, there are two sides. Love or hate. Build or destroy.

Those who hate, want US to hate. To hurt each other. They organize fights and get the media to show the blood and anger and fear. NO, I do not give permission for their hate and fear to enter my heart.

Even when you disagree, I love you. Even when you are different. I love you. Even if you kill me, I love you. Because I AM love. That is who I Am. Who are You?

Our solutions will always come from love and respect. From people who work to find common ground and a path forward. And teachers like my cousins Tamara and Karla, who teach compassion and mindfulness to the rising generation. Who teach that we CAN be different, feel anger and strong emotion, and go within to find peace. That when we love ourselves, we can find answers.

Let us come together. Let us LISTEN to each other’s voices. Let us put our energy and ideas together, and create something new. Because WE are the people. Because today and Every day, WE cast our vote for love or hate.

Joy Principle – Today, I choose Joy and love all people – those like me, and those different from me. I feel their love in return. Today, by my choice, I find Joy in my journey.